
Video Demo Reel

Highlights of bulletins, presenting and interviewing on domestic and international politics. 

Democratia Video Content

Video content produced for international multimedia website Democratia.

Moldova: A Nation at a Crossroads

On 20th October, Moldova will vote for their next president for the next four years and on membership into the European Union.

Stuart travelled to Chișinău, Moldova’s capital city, to produce a short documentary on the stakes and challenges of the upcoming votes as the country finds itself caught in a tug-of-war between Russia and the EU and feeling the heat of the Ukraine War from across its eastern border.

2024: The International Elections So Far

While we are acutely aware of the domestic election that has heralded a new political age for the United Kingdom, as well as the continent-wide EU elections that saw a sweep of the far-right into European Parliament from nations including France and Germany, there are many elections across the globe – from the distant to the under-covered – that you may have missed.

This video provides an overview of many of 2024's elections  before September in a clear and accessible manner.